lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

Buscando un lugar especial para navidad o fin de año?

Buscando un lugar especial para navidad o fin de año?
Este año vívelo de una manera diferente. En un ambiente de paz rodeado de naturaleza en un exclusivo complejo de cómodas cabañas. Área social y restaurante. 
Una deliciosa cena cuatro tiempo, con una copa de champagne.

Paquete que incluyen: Desayuno, almuerzo y cena. Bebidas: agua, limonada, café o té
Cena especial navideña en Navidad y fin de año con una copa de champagne
Brunch con comida tradicional y internacional al día siguiente
Caminatas de selva, cascada, cueva, comunidad kichwa, 
Coctel de bienvenida
Alquiler de botas de caucho y toallas de piscina
Impuestos y servicio
Precio por noche $120 + $30 de la cena! o

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015

Meine Erfahrung im ecuadorianischen Dschungel

Es waren nur zwei Tage- aber sie wurden unvergesslich.

Nachdem wir auf unsere Zimmer geführt wurden, begrüsste man uns bald mit einem leckeren Dreigängemenü als Abendessen. Und nach einem angenehm warmen Bad im Jacuzzi und im Schwimmbad der Lodge und einer kleinen Nachtwanderung mit Froschbesichtigung liessen wir uns in die weichen Betten fallen und kuschelten uns in die weichen Daunendecken. Morgen würden wir schon weider los fahren. Es würde eine entspannende Pause vom Stau, dem Lärm und dem Chaos der Stadt warden.

Am Mittag des gestrigen Tages waren wir in Huasquila Amazon Lodge, in der Nähe der Stadt Tena angekommen. Nach einer 3 einhalb stündigen Fahrt in Richtung ecuadorianischem Amazonas kamen wir über einen steinigen Rumpelweg an. Der heutige Tag sollte mit Wanderungen, leckerem Essen und Spass vollgepackt sein.
Das Frühstück bestand aus frischem Saft, Pancakes, Brot mit Marmelade und frischen Früchten. Zwei kleine Jungs aus der Kichwagemeinde führten uns nun zu einer Fledermaushöhle und erklärten allerhand Interessantes über Pflanzen und Tiere. In der Höhle angekommen, trauten sie sich jedoch nicht als erste einzutreten. Also musste ich ich mit meiner kaputten und flackernden Taschenlampe als erste zwichen Stalagmiten und Skorpionspinnen hindurch. 

Fledermäuse umkreisten unsere Köpfe und der ein oder andere Schrei hallte an den Wänden wieder, als wir durch das Wasser in der Höhle wateten. Plitschnass kamen wir in der Lodge an, um direct auf die nächste Wanderung aufzubrechen. Mit einer grossen Gruppe erreichten wir bald einen grossen, wunderschönen Wasserfall. Einige badeten, ich suchte nach Fossilien und fand: ein Hufeisen. Vielleicht ein historischen Stück aus der Zeit der Kolonialisierung? Wer weiss…
Hungrig kamen wir zurück und verschlangen unser Mittagessen, das aus vier, für mich vegetarischen Gängen bestand. Genau dann fing es an zu regnen und wir fuhren entspannt und gesättigt wieder zurück.

Ein wunderschönes Wochenende in Huasquila!  

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015


After a great visit of two excellent profesional and travelers, they have written an amazing article about Huasquila Project and their experience in the Lodge. 

They are a really good team, with we had the  the opportunity to work  and to enrich our practices with their knowledges in sustainable and socially responsable travel guides also tips and resources for online marketing. 

Click here to read the article

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015


Buscamos Voluntarios para el siguiente cargo y especificaciones! 

1. Nombre de la granja o finca: Huasquila
2- Nombre de la persona a cargo: Juan Maranon
3- Dirección de email para contacto:
4- Numero de teléfono: 00593-9984063989
5- Página de internet:
6- Idiomas hablados: espanol, ingles
7- Ubicación de la granja o finca y dirección: COTUNDO, Provincia de Napo (Amazonia)
8- Descripción de la granja o finca: (dimensiones, cultivos, condiciones, proyectos, actividades etc.)
La finca esta situada a 100 metros del Ecolodge Huasquila. Tiene 50 hectareas con 6 hectareas de siembra de Guayusa (Te) y 4 hectareas por desarrollar en un sistema agroforestal con plantas nativas de la amazonia. Se encuentra a 800 m de altura.

9- Principales cultivos: Guayusa
10- Granja activa durante: todo el ano
11- Trabajo que se requiere realicen voluntarios:Siembra, resiembra y limpieza manual de malezas para mantener sistema agroecologico. Recoleccion de hojas y mantenimiento de viveros.
12- Horas por día: 8
 13-Dias por semana: 5
14- Descripción del hospedaje: (donde y como dormirán y se asearan los voluntarios)
En una casa de madera con cuartos y banos compartidos.
15- Descripción de los alimentos ofrecidos: El almuerzo se proporcionara en el area de Staff del Ecolodge Huasquila. Se proporcionara un valor de 100 USD mensuales para que puedan comprar los alimentos y cocinar el desayuno y cena en su casa de hospedaje que cuenta con cocina.
16- Reglas y restricciones: No drogas y alcohol
17- Requisitos especiales: Facilidad para aprender el idioma espanol, conocimientos basicos en agricultura, ganas de trabajar
18- Tiempo mínimo y máximo de estadía: 3 meses
19-  Nota : (información adicional, condiciones climáticas, cosas para llevar, información sobre la zona, etc.). Mayor informacion a cerca del sitio en

Porfavor interesados escribir a los correos de contacto para incorporarse lo más pronto.

jueves, 11 de junio de 2015

Animals of the Rainforest

Animals of the Rainforest, Amazoonico Animal Rescue Center

One of the best things about visiting the Jungles of Ecuador are the animals, unfortunately unless you are deep in the amazon rainforest, camping overnight or doing an week long expedition you cannot see a huge variety of animals and birds in the wild, you may see schools of monkeys jumping from tree to tree in the area of Huasquilas protected rainforest , lots of birds, insects and tons of bats.
One of the places to see animals of the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest near Huasquila Amazon Lodge is Amazoonico Animal Rescue Center.  

The Amazoonico Animal Rescue Center is a great place to visit even with small children.  To get there, you can take a taxi from Huasquila or you can drive to Ahuano, which takes approximately 40 minutes from the Lodge, and take a motorized canoe from Puerto Barantilla.  

The canoe has a captain, who ensures everyone has a life jacket, even small children, it has a canopy to protect you from the sun, and row of seats for about 12 passengers, they are long and thin and are motorized.  Don’t be surprised when the captain stops the motor to slide through the rapids of the river.  The trip if you are foreigner will cost $20 round trip, but check with the lodge before you go.  The canoe will wait for you until you end your tour.
On arrival, a guide will greet you and welcome you to Amazoonico and will explain how they volunteer at the place and how all the animals in the center are rescues who have been removed from their natural habitat by traffickers, who have been kept in terrible conditions and are lucky enough to be brought by authorities, or locals from the area.  The place only survives on donations and visits from tourists.  


Its costs $4 for adults and $3 for children, kids under four are free.  Amazoonico rehabilitates the animals and determines if they are fit to be released back in the wild.  Many animals have been too close to human interaction and cannot survive without people.  For example, they have 3 beautiful blue eyed toucans, who were kept as domestic animals.  These birds are famous for the beaks, which they use to steal and crack open eggs from other birds, due to their illegal removal from the wild, these toucans never learned to use their beaks properly and would not be able to survive in the wild.
Along the trails the volunteer explains that the animals that we see mostly cannot be released, but that they a protected primary forest of 1600 hectares called Selva Viva where animals who can survive are released.
The volunteers do a great job at explaining the stories of each of the animals, to bring awareness to the illegal trafficking of wild animals in Ecuador, by locals and foreigners, and how there aren’t harsh penalties for removing an animal from the wild, just small fees to pay.  They also work with the local communities encouraging them to stop their ancestor’s traditions on killing wild animals for consumption instead buying them from them at the sanctuary.

Among the animals that you can see in the Amazoonico Animal Rescue Center a  huge Tapir named Carnival which you can see up close, a true gentle giant previously used in a local Circus, Capybaras, a beautiful Puma Jaguarondi who had been removed from a local politicians home, a spotted Tigrillo or small Leopard Cat, many Peccaries or wild pigs, which are brought to the center instead of being killed for their meat, many squirrel monkeys and spider monkeys, Guacamayos whos wings have been clipped, an anaconda whose teeth were removed and no longer can kill its own prey and a couple of Caymans, that were kept in the lobby of a hotel.  Each one has a name and a story to tell.
This is a great place to visit with friends and family to bring awareness to the deforestation and animal trafficking problems, and to show how people are turning this around.  
For more information on the Center, volunteer opportunities and most importantly donations you can visit their website at:
You can reserve your visit to Amazoonico at Huasquila Amazon Lodge.

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015

Mon stage a Huasquila Amazon Lodge

Visite d´une belge en Équateur 

Stage de tourisme en Equateur

De mars à juin 2015, Huasquila Amazon Lodge m’a offert la possibilité de réaliser mon stage d’études (en Tourisme). J’ai passé trois mois de ma vie à côtoyer la population de l’Amazonie équatorienne, partageant la culture Quichua qui est installée là-bas. Ceci fut une expérience de vie extraordinaire. Huasquila est un Lodge parfait, la qualité qu’ils proposent à leurs passagers est incroyable. Chaque détail est pensé de sorte à ce que tout se déroule pour le mieux, de sorte à ce qu’une expérience dans l’Amazonie équatorienne soit magique et inoubliable pour les personnes qui viennent la découvrir.

De Marzo a Junio 2015, Huasquila Amazon Lodge me ofreció la oportunidad de hacer mis pasantías en su hostería. Pasé tres meses de mi vida con la población del Oriente ecuatoriano, compartiendo la cultura Quichua que se encuentra muy cerca. Fue una experiencia extraordinaria. Huasquila es un lodge que queda perfecto, la calidad que proponen a los pasajeros es increíble. Cada detalle está pensado de manera que todo se pasé lo más perfecto, de manera que la experiencia en la amazonia ecuatoriana sea mágica e inolvidable. Todos los empleados de Huasquila me abrieron sus corazones y todos los días me ayudaban a realizarme profesionalmente. La bienvenida que les reservan en este lodge es perfecta, que sea para pasajeros o pasantes.

Tous les travailleurs de Huasquila m’ont ouvert leurs bras et leur quotidien pour m’aider dans ma réalisation professionnelle. L’accueil qu’on réserve dans ce Lodge d’Amazonie est totalement hors du commun, que ce soit pour les passagers ou pour les stagiaires. 
En  venant à Huasquila Amazon Lodge, vous aurez l’occasion de réaliser de nombreuses activités comme des promenades dans la forêt amazonienne, des visites d’une communauté quichua (danses, fabrication/confection de la Chicha et  Guayusa typiques de la région, partage de culture), ballades pour découvrir la force des plantes médicinales, rafting, tour en pirogue, promenades nocturnes, visites et baignades dans des cascades très accessibles, visite d’un zoo et visites de grottes naturelles.  Les guides locaux adorent partager leurs connaissances avec les passagers souhaitant découvrir leur culture. Le personnel de Huasquila est très professionnel dans son travail et s’améliore chaque jour pour offrir un service d’une qualité exceptionnelle.

Communautés indigènes-Quichua-partage-culture

Guide local quichua-culture-pajatoquilla


Visitando Huasquila Amazon Lodge, tendrá la oportunidad de participar varias actividades como caminatas en la selva ecuatoriana, visitas de comunidad Quichua (danzas, fabricación de la Chicha y Guayusa típicas de la región), caminatas para descubrir las plantas medicinales, rafting, tours en canoa, caminatas nocturnas, visitas de cascadas y cuevas, visita de zoos. Los guías locales estarán encantados de compartir su cultura con usted. El personal de Huasquila es muy profesional, y cada día se va mejorando para ofrecer un servicio de calidad optímalo y excepcional.

En plus d’être un Lodge de qualité supérieure, Huasquila Amazon Lodge offre 7 cabanes entièrement accessibles aux personnes à mobilité réduite. Le restaurant, le bar, le petit salon jusqu’aux cabanes sont pensées et construites pour un accès total aux P.M.R. C’est d’ailleurs le seul Lodge d’Amazonie à proposer des infrastructures pour les chaises roulantes et P.M.R. Ce qui rend Huasquila encore plus exceptionnel pour ses visiteurs!

Además de ser un Lodge de calidad muy alta, Huasquila Amazon Lodge ofrece 7 cabañas enteramente accesibles a las personas discapacitadas. El restaurante, el bar, le sala de estar hasta las cabañas están pensadas y construidas para tener acceso total a personas con movilidad reducida. Es el único lodge en Amazonia que propone este tipo de infraestructura para sillas de ruedas y movilidad reducida. Es lo que hace de Huasquila un lugar más excepcional todavía para sus pasajeros.

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

10 Places to Visit in Ecuador Amazon Rainforest

The ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest, is a magical place with many wonderful places to visit. Discover 10 of the many atractions of the amazon! 


cuyabeno amazon ecuador
Photo from Sintaxis

1.    Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve is the second largest nature reserve in Ecuador and one of the most bio-diverse parks in the world. Take a canoe around the flooded forests of Cuyabeno and experience the incredible amount of flora and fauna this reserve has to offer. 

2.    Soaring more than 3,500 meters above the jungle, the Sumaco Volcano is surrounded by steep ravines and dense jungle – elements that have kept tourists at bay and preserved the areas flora and fauna. 

3.    Learn about the rainforest at the Jatun Sacha Biological Station. In addition to continually conducting research on the rainforest, the station also works on a number of forest protection and sustainable development projects and is the second largest conservation organization in Ecuador. 

4.    The village of Misahuallí is a remote port at the juncture of the Napo and Misahuallí rivers and is a popular starting point for canoe trips and jungle tours. Visit the center of town and see monkeys climbing trees and roaming the plazas.


5.    Surrounded by thick vegetation and beautiful scenery, The San Rafael Waterfall is considered one of the most impressive waterfalls in the Ecuadorian Amazon and one of the largest in the country. 

waterfall san rafael in the amazon

6.    Founded in 1560, Archidona is a colonial town that serves as a business and social center for the small Kichwa communities in the area. 


7.    Located only 4km from Archidona, Jumandy Caves (Cuevas de Jumandy) is a labyrinth of natural caves and water-filled tunnels that extend several kilometers underground. Be sure to wear a bathing suit and be prepared to splash around underground!

8.    Tena is not only the capital of the Napo Province, but also the capital of white-water rafting and kayaking in Ecuador. The Amazon Jungle Rivers are large, clean, and scenic with consistent flows making this area ideal for adventure-seekers.

rafting tena river amazon

Amazon Jungle Tours 9.    Declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1989, Yasuni National Park is the largest protected area in continental Ecuador. Be sure to take a guide when you explore this extraordinary region that is home to an vast number of flora and fauna in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.


10.    Huasquila Amazon Lodge! Huasquila is not only 100% accessible, but also committed to preserving the Ecuadorian Amazon. Since 2007, the eco-lodge and its “green-hearted” volunteers have reforested 50 acres with native trees and medicinal plants. The goal is to replant an ecological corridor that will connect the Cotundo area with the protected Antisana reserve. Thanks to this wonderful project, the newly reforested area has already attracted numerous animals (birds, armadillos, insects, and even monkeys!) in need of protection. 

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

A cacao session at Huasquila Amazon Lodge

Check our video in the Huasquila Amazon lodge channel in youtube!

In this video you will learn how to clean, cook and grind cacao! Smell its great aroma and mix it with other ingredients to make a sweet treat in our next video!


viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015


Volunteer Program

This is the volunteer program that was made in Huasquila to reforest the reserve, and now we can see the amazing results. Huasquila Eco Lodge is the result of year of work by people from the community, foreigner volunteers and the owners.

The project is located within the Sumaco Biosphere Reserve, only 3 hours from Quito, Ecuador´s capital city and 40 minutes away from Tena, capital of the Napo province. The property has 115 ha, 65 ha are secondary forest and the rest is still primary forest. Six years ago with the help of volunteers from all over the world, we have started reforesting an area of 20 hectares with native trees and medicinal plants with the goal in the long run to replant an ecological corridor that will connect the Cotundo area with the close by protected area of the Antisana reserve.

The activities vary from collecting plants in the jungle, building a plant nursery and planting the collected trees, medicinal herbs and flowers, to help maintaining the work that has been done before.

Since Huasquila started the volunteer program 6 years ago, there are numerous animals (birds, armadillos, insects and even monkeys!) that have come for protection to this area from the close by deforested areas. This wonderful event has made us expand the volunteer work to also be responsible for observing, feeding and identifying these new animals.

This program also gives the unique opportunity to get insights into the tourism activities of an Eco- Lodge in the Amazon. Among those activities are guiding tourists, gardening and working in a small Ecuadorian family run company. You will learn how an eco-lodge works, attend guests, translate the tours guided by native guides into your own language etc. Also in the past year several volunteers have started to work in the close by community school 9 de Junio to teach children ages 4 – 8 basic English and german. This has shown to be very welcome by the close by community.

Main Tasks:

  • Eco-lodge (In high season the work was more directly in the EcoLodge)
  • Help local staff (help in the kitchen, wash your own dishes, etc)
  • Housekeeping (the volunteer house is cleaned by volunteers, earn how to arrange the bungalows and perform simple maintenance tasks)
  • Restaurant (you use this area a lot and will have to keep it clean, also learn how to arrange tables and serve)
  • Swimmingpool: learn how to keep it clean
  •  Particularly In high seasons, chance to go on different tours with the tourists and, if sufficiently fluent in Spanish, translate tours into your own language
  • Reforestation (depends on the number of Volunteers working on the Lodge)
  • Collecting plants and seeds in the jungle
  • Nursing trees
  • Planting, composting and maintaining everything
  • Gardening (bromelias, orchids, etc)
  • Research (define plant, use, make info sheet)

Wildlife (depends on the number of Volunteers working on the Lodge)

  • Observation
  • Feeding stations
  • Identification plus research (define animals, make info sheet)
  • Community School 9 de Junio (not mandatory, optional)
  • Teaching children ages 4 -8 years basic english and german.

During any tasks you fulfill, also constant contact with the local people and your work will include teaching them your native language as well as introducing them to your country’s customs and culture. This is the best way to share with local people and really get to understand another country’s cultures and customs. This exchange is very personally enriching!

lunes, 26 de enero de 2015


"Ecuador will be making history by becoming the first foreign country to have a tourism commercial during the Super Bowl"

This Sunday, Ecuador will become the first foreign country to air a tourism commercial during the Super Bowl. 

Ecuador bets that having this time in the Super Bowl, will make more american interested to visit this unique country where you can find: the galapagos islands, beautiful landscapes in the highlands, volcanoes, waterfalls, and the exuberant amazon!

More info in:

martes, 6 de enero de 2015

Huasquila Amazon Lodge im deutschen Kinderfernsehen KIKA ARD!

An Tag Zwei verlassen Jess und Ben die Großstadt Quito Richtung Dschungel. 

Einmal quer durchs Land führt ihr Roadtrip und endet mitten im Amazonas-Gebiet. Dann heißt es Eintauchen in den Urwald inklusive unheimlicher Geräusche in der Nacht, einer Bootsfahrt und einem Besuch bei den Quechua-Indianern. Die Schokolade, die Jess und Ben aus einer Kakaofrucht selbst machen, ist laut Jess "das Beste, was sie je gegessen hat".

